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Advanced Metering Opt-Out

Versant Power is replacing metering equipment for all residential and small commercial customers.

Advanced Meters enable two-way communication between the meter and Versant Power using a radio frequency (RF) wireless network. This allows Versant Power to collect customer energy usage information more easily and accurately and respond to outages more quickly. Meters use very low-level radio frequency signals, the same form of wireless technology used by cellphones, WiFi networks and televisions.

Non-Communicating Meters will be installed for customers who choose to opt out. To keep opt-out costs as low as possible, the Maine Public Utilities Commission requires Versant Power to visit your premises to read your non-communicating meter every other month and estimate your electricity use during months when we don’t read your meter. We won’t be able to remotely detect if you are experiencing a power outage or any other problem, so if your power goes out, you must call us or report it online.

Opting out will result in a one-time fee and recurring monthly charges. Opting out also will result in a loss of enhanced benefits from Advanced Meters. If you choose to opt out, Versant Power still will need to replace your existing meter with a non-communicating meter.


Advanced Meter

Non-Communicating Meter (Opt-Out Meter)

Timely, detailed information about your electricity use




Outage and power issue detection




Remote connection and disconnection technology






Advanced Meter

Non-Communicating Meter (Opt-Out Meter)

Opt-Out One-Time Fee

Not applicable

($11.91 for LIAP participants)

Opt-Out Recurring Monthly Charge

Not applicable


($5.73 for LIAP participants)


Eligibility to opt out

  1. You must be a residential or small commercial customer. Medium-class customers are not eligible.
  2. You are responsible for providing and maintaining unrestricted access to Versant Power for meter installation, maintenance and reading. You must maintain 4 feet of clearance in front of the meter base.